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Meigs J. M., Kiderman M., Kircanski K., Cardinale E. M., Pine D. S., Leibenluft E., Brotman M. A., Naim R. (2024) Sleepless nights, sour moods: daily sleep-irritability links in a pediatric clinical sample. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. doi:10.1111/jcpp.13959




Naim R., Dombek K.,German E.R., Haller S.P., Kircanski K., Brotman M.A. (2023) An Exposure-Based Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy for Youth with Severe Irritability: Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology , doi: 10.1080/15374416.2023.2264385

Grasser L.R., Erjo T., Goodwin M.S., Naim R., German R.E., White J., Cullins L.,Tseng W.L., Stoddard J., BrotmanM.A. (2023) Can peripheral psychophysiological markers predict response to exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy in youth with severely impairing irritability? A study protocol. BMC Psychiatry, 23:926

Tseng W.L., Naim R.,  Chue A., Shaughnessy S., Meigs J.,Pine D.S., Leibenluft E., Kircanski K., Brotman M.A. (2023) Network analysis of ecological momentary assessment identifies frustration as a central node in irritability, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 64:8 (2023), pp 1212–1221 doi:10.1111/jcpp.13794


Metcalf O., O’Donnell M.L., Forbes D., Bar-Haim Y., Hodson S., Bryant R.A., McFarlane A.C., Morton D., Poerio L., Naim R., Varker T. (2022) Attention-control training as an early intervention for veterans leaving the military: A pilot randomized controlled trial. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. doi: 10.1002/jts.22828

Haller S.P., Archer C., Jeong A., Jafe A., Jones E.L., Harrewijn A., Naim R., Linke J.O., Stoddard J., Brotman M.A. (2022) Changes in Internalizing Symptoms During the COVID‑19 Pandemic in a Transdiagnostic Sample of Youth: Exploring Mediators and Predictors. Child Psychiatry & Human Development

Naim R., Haller .S.P., Linke J.O., Jaffe A., Stoddard J., Jones M., Harrewijn A., Kircanski K., Bar-Haim Y., Brotman M.A. (2022) Context-dependent amygdala–prefrontal connectivity during the dot-probe task varies by irritability and attention bias to angry faces. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.  47:2283–2291;

Naim R., Shaughnessy S., Smith A., Karalunas S.L., Kircanski K., Brotman M.A. (2022) Real‐time assessment of positive and negative affective fluctuations and mood lability in a transdiagnostic sample of youth. Anxiety and Depression Association of America. doi: 10.1002/da.23293


Harrewijn A., Abend R., Naim R. ,Haller S.P. ,Stavish S.M. ,Bajaj M.A., Matsumoto C. ,Dombek K. ,Cardinale E.M., Kircanski K. ,Brotman M.A. (2021) Attention bias to negative versus non-negative faces is related to negative affectivity in a transdiagnostic youth sample. Journal of Psychiatric Research.

CardinaleI E.M., Naim R., Haller S.P., German R., BotzZapp C., Bezek J., JangrawI D.C., BrotmanM.A. (2021) Rationale and validation of a novel mobile application probing motor inhibition: Proof of concept of CALM-IT. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252245. 10.1371/journal.pone.0252245

Naim R., Goodwin M.S., Dombek K., Revzina O., Agorsor C., Lee K., Zapp C., Freitag G.F., Haller S.P., Cardinale E., Jangraw D., Brotman M.A. (2021) Cardiovascular reactivity as a measure of irritability in a transdiagnostic sample of youth: Preliminary associations, WILEY, doi: 10.1002/mpr.1890

Naim R., Smith A., Chue A., Grassie H., Linke J., Dombek K., Shaughnessy S., McNeil C., Cardinale E., Agorsor C., Cardenas S., Brooks J., Subar A.N., Jones E.L., Do Q.B., Pine D.S., Leibenluft E., Brotman M.A. and Kircanski K. (2021) Using ecological momentary assessment to enhance irritability phenotyping in a transdiagnostic sample of youth. Cambridge University Press, Development and Psychopathology (2021), 33, 1734–1746 doi:10.1017/S0954579421000717


Naim R., Kircanski K., Gold A., German R.E., Davis M., Perlstein S., Clayton M., Revzina O., Brotman M.A. (2020) Across-subjects multiple baseline trial of exposure-based cognitive-behavioral therapy for severe irritability: a study protocol. BMJ Open 2021;11:e039169. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2020-039169


Alon Y. ,Naim R., Pine D.S., Bliese P.D., Bar-Haim Y. (2019) Validity of Attention Bias Variability Indices for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Research: Evidence From Patient Data. Journal of Traumatic Stress October 2019, 32, 791–798

Lazarov A., Suarez-Jimenez B., Abend R., Naim R., Shvil R., Helpman L., Zhu X., Papini S., Duroski A., Rom R., Schneier R.F., Pine D.S, Bar-Haim Y., Neria Y. (2019) Bias-contingent attention bias modification and attention control training in treatment of PTSD: a randomized control trial. Psychol Med. 2019 October ; 49(14): 2432–2440. doi:10.1017/S0033291718003367.

Abend R., Naim A., Pergamin-Hight L., Fox N.A., Pine D.S., Bar-Haim Y. (2019) Age Moderates Link between Training Effects and Treatment Response to Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2019 May ; 47(5): 881–894. doi:10.1007/s10802-018-0494-7

Badura-Brack A.S., Naim R., Ryan T.J., Levy O., Abend R., Khanna M.M., McDermott T.J., Pine D.S., Bar-Haim Y. (2019) Effect of Attention Training on Attention Bias Variability and PTSD Symptoms: Randomized Controlled Trials in Israeli and U.S. Combat Veterans. Am J Psychiatry. 2015 December ; 172(12): 1233–1241. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2015.14121578.



Naim R., Kivity Y., Bar-Haim Y., Huppert J.D. (2018) Attention and interpretation bias modification treatment for social anxiety disorder: A randomized clinical trial of efficacy and synergy. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.

Pergamin-Hight L., Naim R., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., van IJzendoorn M.H., Bar-Haim Y. (2015) Content specificity of attention bias to threat in anxiety disorders: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review.

Naim R., Abend R.,  Wald I.,Eldar S., Levi O., Fruchter E., Ginat K., Halpern P., Sipos M.L., Adler A.B., Bliese P.D.,   Quartana P.J., Pine D.S., Bar-Haim Y. (2015) Threat-Related Attention Bias Variability and Posttraumatic Stress. Am J Psychiatry. 2015 December ; 172(12): 1242–1250. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2015.14121579


Naim R., Wald I., Lior A., Pine D. S., Fox N. A., Sheppes G., Halpern P., Bar-Haim Y. (2013) Perturbed threat monitoring following a traumatic event predicts risk for post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychological Medicine (2014), 44, 2077–2084. © Cambridge University Press 2013 doi:10.1017/S0033291713002456

Eldar S., Apter A., Lotan D., Perez Edgar K., Naim R., Fox N.A., Pine D.S., Bar-Haim Y., Ph.D. (2012) Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Am J Psychiatry. 2012 February ; 169(2): 213–220.

Karniol R., Galili L., Shtilerman D., Naim R., Stern K., Manjoch H., Silverman R. (2011) Why Superman Can Wait: Cognitive SelfTransformation in the Delay of Gratification Paradigm. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology.

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